Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Week Behind

This week was shaping up to be really rough coming into it. I had to "present" my reading to the class in Democracy in Everyday Life yesterday, which was difficult both because I generally have no idea what is going on in that class and also because we had to select our own readings and relate them back to the theme of the course. But, it went through just fine. I also had to run errand after errand on campus, and proctor the time and a half exam (for the third time this semester). Boo. And then came Tuesday. Tuesday revolves around tutoring, but this particular Tuesday I also had to meet with my independent study sponsor of sorts to chart my progress. This I was a little uneasy about, not because I had nothing to present, but rather because I had no idea what the expectations were for our meeting. Fortunately that went off without a hitch, and I will be able to make a creative project and write up a 10 page response on the process of its creation in order to receive my credits for the study. Woo-hoo! The rest of the week is busy, but not too intimidating. Hell, after mountain biking what can't I do?

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