Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Person of the Shut the Hell Up

Nice job, Time Magazine, way to perpetuate the moronic nature that is our contemporary culture.

You had a 14 year old Pakistani girl who knowingly put herself in danger, was shot in the head, survived, and has only gained momentum for her cause--you know, wanting an education--and you go with the guy who got reelected as POTUS. I don't get it. I really don't.

Barack Obama: Person of the Year. Give me a break. I even voted for the guy. And, while I am a cynic who completely subscribes to the idea that Democrats and Republicans are the same damn thing and none of this matters (to an extent--read a previous post "Cynic Idealist"), I like a lot of things about Barack, and his administration, and his presidency.


Malala Yousafzai is effectually the face of change for the socio-political (and even religious) landscape of Pakistan. What the hell is wrong with you? I could not give less of a damn what your criteria or reasoning is for selecting Obama as your Person of the Year. You cannot possibly legitimate this choice outside of being completely ignorant to anything that matters in the entire world.

Yes, I am sticking by what sounds like hyperbole and meaning it literally. You've done this to me, world, and you can deal with the consequences via my prose. I know. You're terrified.

I cannot comprehend this total oversight. And, I'm not saying Time Magazine's Person of the Year matters. It doesn't. But, symbolically as a reflection of our societal values, this couldn't be more of a disappointment.

Like so many things, sometimes you just need a little boost, some hope, a reminder that people can be not only good, but smart, even wise. This is a total misstep. And, you know, I've changed my mind. It does matter. Now, more than ever.


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